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Three Years Later…

Cinder458: Your blogaversary is coming up, right?
(From Cinder & Ella by Kelly Oram)
I was reminded today by my host site, it’s been three years today that I began blogging here. It made me think of the line above from a novel I recently read. “Blogaversary.” Three years can seem like a long time but I’m still an amateur when it comes to blogging. I have learned a few thing however these past three years:


I could write about how blogging takes perseverance and commitment but you know that already. What I’ve learned is if you have the passion about something you will commit to it even if you don’t think you have it in you. I’ve surprised myself. How bout you? What have you committed to that you didn’t think you’d be able to?

Words are powerful. They can build up or tear down, give life or destroy it. In a day and age where anyone can write anything to anyone, words can be used as inspiration to do great good or as an even greater weapon to destroy. The temptation is there for all of us as we navigate our way through all forms of social media. Words stick, we need to use them wisely.

The final thing I’ve learned is how generous people are. Writing is solitary which suits me but the final created product is not. A fellow creative and I were discussing this the other day.  We create alone but once it’s done we want people to see it, read it and enjoy it. To find some worth in it that will maybe, hopefully, help them or make a difference for them in their own lives. People’s responses have blown me away. You have kept me encouraged on days I felt like I didn’t have anything to give. I have been humbled when you have shared little bits of your life so candidly with me. I am so grateful that you take time out of your busy days to read Whole. I can’t even describe how amazed I feel at that. I am always grateful when you share the blog or make a comment. Thank you.

I am posting a link here to my first blog here on Whole. Hopefully when you write, you evolve!   I have found my voice writing here so it may have changed! I hope my writing skills have improved too!  You can be the judge!  :)

Thank you again for inviting me into your lives as you read Whole. I hope the next years are even more creative and that we all see ourselves grow and mature into the people we were created to be.

Happy “Blogaversary!”
