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Behind the Writing of Hymn of Life

Sometimes there’s a story behind the book. When I sat down to write Into the Forest, I wanted to address the hate in the world.

Why Kickstarter?

I launched my kickstarter today for Weight of the Crown. It’s live now! What is kickstarter? It’s a platform whose mission is to “help bring

Why Fairy tales?

These childhood fables are rich in themes—of redemption, of good vs. evil, of selfishness, of kindness, of love—which is a writer’s dream.

Why Write Fiction?

Why do I write fiction? Once upon a time I considered myself a non-fiction writer exclusively because I didn’t think I had the imagination to

A Different Gift

Two weeks ago, my writing group held their annual writing retreat. It’s a getaway I look forward to every year. The cottage is right on

This Christmas…

It’s Christmas and all is merry and bright, right?  Maybe…or maybe not. As we close out another pandemic year, this Christmas may not be all

Why It’s Important to Remember

Why is it so important we remember on Remembrance Day?
Lest we forget. We think we won’t but all too often we do.

Lessons Learned on the Softball Diamond

Besides the love of the game, it’s the comradery, learning to play with teammates, and a sense of purpose that make playing a sport so invaluable.

Celebrate in 2021

Here we are on the cusp of a new year. I feel like I’m standing on a precipice, shivering with anticipation, excitement, and a little


But Christmas reminds us that good news abounds! And it is for everyone.

My Top 10 Adult Fiction Books of 2020

There were a lot of great books to read this year! I’m so excited to share this list with you and I hope you’ll check

My Top 10 YA Books of 2020

It’s been a year obviously, but if there is a silver lining it’s all the extra reading time that a lockdown brings. Did you make


What coping mechanisms do you use when trying something new? Do you dive right in or do you wait, think things through? Are you paralyzed


I thought it was dead but I was wrong.  On the stalk where I’d cut a head of lettuce a few days before, new leaves


Who is your hero? What qualities make them a hero? I wondered about that term – we wield it so casually in our world. The


Over the last few years there has been one message that has rung in my ears like church bells echoing on a Sunday morning across

Doubting Trust

Today’s headlines read from some action movie or sci-fi novel don’t they? Pandemic. That word used to cause the blood running through my veins to

My Top Ten Reads of 2019

I’m a little late posting this because work, Christmas, a birthday, sickness, and New Year’s Eve get-together, all conspired to keep me busy but it

The Prodigal

The mood is festive, people laughing and singing. The table is laden down with the best meats, cheeses and side dishes. There’s a chocolate fountain