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Sweet Slurps of Hot Chocolate

My husband, this morning, was reminded of one of his favourite memories with our sons.  Our youngest loves to cuddle.  He still likes to cozy up to us but at age nine and as tall as our eleven year old, those days when he fit onto our laps are a distant memory.  Almost.

Our boys didn’t sleep well when they were little.  I always did the night shifts, because there was always more than one, and Mark got up with the boys at six am.  He made coffee and warmed milk with chocolate sauce for the boys.  Then our youngest would sit on Mark’s lap and he’d slurp the hot chocolate from his sippy cup while Mark drank his coffee.  Our oldest was probably drawing or playing near them.  He isn’t one to cuddle but he would stay close.

This was the start to many a day in our household.  Our son doesn’t remember much about it other than drinking the hot chocolate.  But for daddy, it’s a memory close to his heart.  Spending those few quiet morning minutes with the boys, still sleepy from slumber.  Not yet ready to run and yell and go hard like they do.  Plucking them out of their play to grab a hug or kiss.  Rather they were content to sit near their dad and receive the day in little slurps of hot chocolate.


Maybe our days would start out better if we just sat near our Father and received the day with tiny slurps of comfort.  I know it can be a challenge.

Our sons are still up at six most days.  Sometimes awake in their beds earlier than that.  Once they hear us up, they’re up too.  It’s a little disconcerting.  Especially if they’ve been awake awhile and their minds are geared up, already thinking about the latest storyline of whatever game they are playing.  Or what happened in the latest chapter of the book.  I want to hear about it, I really do.  Just not at warp speed the minute I get up!

It sounds spectacular to be able to get up and start the day with a quiet time.  It’s just not going to happen in my household unless I want to be up at four.  No.

I’ve tried to plot and get creative to find that quiet in the mornings.  My brain functions better in the am.  That doesn’t mean it works for everyone. There is no hard and fast rule to morning being the only acceptable quiet time.  It can be any time. That is the key.  That’s what we’ve got to remember.  Those minutes sometimes just happen.  A child crawling up on our laps and sitting quietly.  The rock of swing.  Looking at a picture book.  Sitting for five minutes while your child takes his five minute nap for the day.  (I know there are other parents out there that have no idea what a two hour or three hour nap is!)

It’s more about recognizing them and accepting them.  No, they aren’t always ideal.  Or convenient.  Or what we thought they should look like.  So what?  God honours those nano seconds.  He doesn’t need more than a nano if that’s all you’ve got.  He can give the gift of quiet, of his presence in less than that.

It may be just a few minutes, long enough to slurp some hot chocolate.  But it’s enough.