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Happy One Year

Happy One Year!  November 15th marked one year of starting up this blog.  I had blogged a bit on my husband’s  but it was clear I needed my own.  So I launched Whole.


Where did that year go to?  Some seasons I had lots to blog about, others not so much.  It’s been a learning curve, sometimes steep.  I love that blogging makes you a better writer.  Hopefully.  It’s a craft that needs to be practiced.  The more you do it, the better you are at it.  I think my writing has improved.

It’s been hard to always have something to write about.  Some days I had nothing and I kept silent.  Because really the last thing I want to do is waste your time.

Other days I kept silent because I was afraid I wouldn’t have anything to write about or that God wasn’t enough. Understand that most days, I have just a hazy idea of what I am going to write about.  I always start by asking God “What do you want me to say?”  Why I get afraid, I don’t know.  Because whenever I’ve asked (all my blogs for the year!) He answered.  Yet there are still days I don’t believe.  Fear wins.

There are other days when I think I have a good idea where I want to go, only to end up in an entirely different destination.  It’s kinda fun.  I guess.



I have done many things wrong according to many bloggers.  Like not charting out what I will write about a month in advance!  I decided to start out small and cheap.  Like free.  I’ve been told if you want to make money from your blog (it’s possible!) then you have to spend some on it.  It’s like a business.  I could spend an entire year doing this and that to improve it.  I know.

I’m grateful for all my readers.  I have had people from nineteen different countries visit my blog.  That blows my mind.  Most are from Canada and the US.  I’m thankful for the many comments and encouraging words that have made their way into my inbox or on the comments blurb.  Thank you!  It is really exciting to hear from my readers.  Thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to read Whole.

As a way of celebrating one year, I thought I’d take a page from Oprah and write about a few of my favourite things I discovered this year.

Fav Nonfiction Book: I would have to say Chasing God by Angie Smith was a favourite.  It really made me think about my faith, who God is and do I really know Him?  It’s stayed with me.  A runner up would be Atlas Girl by Emily Wierenga.  This book too makes you work through your faith.

Fav Fiction Book: My fav non-Christian book is The Hunger Games.  Love Suzanne Collins.  Gregor the Overlander series is still right up there as my favourite series.

Christian Fiction: I really like Sandra Orchard’s books.  Her Port Aster series which I read this year would have to be a fav.  I can barely wait until the third installment comes out in June 2015!  I’ve also met her at Write Canada! and she is super nice!  She was more than willing to help me out with a question I had.

My Fav Blog that I follow: Wellness Mama   I mostly read blogs that people share, however the Wellness Mama has some good tips and recipes to keep us healthy.

My Fav Blog that I wrote: Mmmm that’s hard.  Sometimes I write them and they leave my mind completely! It’s weird I know.  Someone will say they read it and I have to think hard what I wrote about.  I think my mind is always busy, onto the next thing; that’s what I keep telling myself!  Anyway my fav blog that I wrote this year – Being Called Out of the Cave and Why We Need to Play.  Okay so there are two.   These are things I’m still working on and are a part of my journey these days.

Highlight: Taking part in Reading through the NT in 40 days with Margaret Feinberg.  Having Margaret Feinberg comment on my blog made my day!  I have also enjoyed when a reader shared a little bit of their journey with me.  It makes me feel less alone.

My blog has taken over as my main source of journalling.  It’s a record of our lives and how we’ve grown.  And weaved throughout it, is a faithful Father who is always good and who loves us no matter what.  Even in our messes.  And in our triumphs.  Happy One Year!
