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Why NaNoWriMo Now?

So we are two days before NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) officially begins, November 1st. Then the insanity commences. It’s my first year attempting to

The Life of Un-ease

Recently I travelled to a conference on mothering but quite honestly didn’t come away with too much about being a mom. Not because there wasn’t

Successful Failures

What happens when you’ve done great things for God, followed what He’s told you to do but in the world’s eyes (including the church) you

He Goes Before You, Mama

He was entering the great unknown of high school and I couldn’t hold his hand anymore like I did when he was a little boy.

What Have You Learned Lately?

“So many things were impossible, until they weren’t.” Jennifer Donnelly, Sea Spell This weekend I’m attending a workshop, hosted by a friend and one of

When You Feel Lost

I have been fascinated for the last while with the concept of being lost. I think we all feel that way at different times in

You Are More Than Your Motherhood

There are days and seasons when I forget who I am. We get wrapped up in the needs of our spouses, our children and every

The Middle Space

“There has to be a middle. Without it, nothing can ever truly be a whole. Because it is not just a space between, but also

Why I Send My Kids to Summer Camp

Let me just get this off my chest. I am not a camper. My family did not camp. The couple of camping experiences I had

Let Go & Let God

I’m not sure who coined that phrase but it’s often said frequently and with very little thought. We let it slide off our tongues like

Why People Win Over Achievement

“I’m learning over and over again that connection heals me more than achievement ever could.” Shauna Niequist Often times we believe when our dreams come

Asking for Directions

My scenery has changed this week. As I look out the windows, I see trees and cedars and I hear the waves crashing on the

Busy vs. Beloved

“The world pressures me to make things happen. Now. But when things don’t go as planned,I often try to regain control – by shutting down

Non-Mother’s Day

Can I tell you a secret? Most years I hate Mother’s Day.  There, I said it. And I’m a Mom. I understand what it’s like

Seeking His Face

I’m not a big socialite. But when I do venture out into the masses, I usually don’t go just for something to do. I go

Today, I’m Thankful For…

A few years back, I embarked on A Year of Thankfulness on Facebook, posting everyday a picture and a few words of what I was

Love, Mom

Dear Beloved Child of mine, You are loved. You are loved far more than you can ever imagine. You will never understand the sacrifice of

Why Go To Church?

A few days ago, I read a blog by a woman whose husband died last month from cancer. She writes that as a widow, she

Lent: Learning to be #Beloved

Lent has begun. I skipped pancake Tuesday because well, I hate pancakes. Too much sweet and honestly, it’s breakfast for supper which I despise. However,

Embracing Other Moms

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 NLT When my boys were teeny tiny, I was fortunate enough to be

The Inadequate Lie

Inadequate. The word keeps rolling around my brain. I ask myself, “Does anyone ever get to the point where you ever feel adequate?” I’m not

Why Good Manners Matter

This morning as I went to enter a coffee establishment, a young teen was just a couple of steps ahead of me. He surprised me